Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Journal #4

Playing with Skype
Weller, T. (2010). Playing with skype. Learning and Leading, 37(6), Retrieved from http://www.iste.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=March_April_No_6_1&Template=/MembersOnly.cfm&NavMenuID=4516&ContentID=25508&DirectListComboInd=

The author of this journal, Travis J. Weller music teacher in Pennsylvania, has created a way to bring music composers to share their experiences with students in the classroom through Skype.
The composers would explain to the audience and the players about the piece they created. Skype is very easy and simple to use and the free version of the program is sufficient. The only equipment needed is a computer with internet connection, a webcam, a projector screen and sound system. Skype can bring various professionals from different fields to share their expertise and experience with students.

How can Skype be incorporated in the curriculum?
The easiness of using Skype is a great tool to help teachers bring professionals to share their area of expertise with the students. Many times the teacher is not the only and the best source of information. It is always beneficial to bring different speakers to present more information. Students are excited and interested to learn from different people. It helps them to relate the subject matter to real-life experiences.

How can Skype affect teaching?
Skype would be an indispensable source for any curriculum across all subject matters. Nowadays, with technology information travels at much greater speed making difficult for teachers to keep updated with the latest news. Skype would permit teachers to share the most current information with their students by bringing experts in the field.

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